
The K9 Finance DAO Farming architecture has 2 main parts:

  • FarmingFactory contract

  • FarmingInstance contract

and utilizes the Shibaswap v2 liquidity.

FarmingInstance contract

FarmingInstance contract represents the farming pool. Each farming pool on the platform is a separate smart-contract deployed by the FarmingFactory contract.


Users can deposit their knBONE/BONE LP (received from Shibaswap) via "Stake" UI and deposit() function. LPs other than mentioned in the farming pool are not accepted.


Users can withdraw their total deposited funds via withdraw(). By doing so, users receive their LP tokens and the accumulated rewards.


This function allows depositing one of the token0 and token1 of the liquidity pair.

When users deposit via zap() , the following steps are executed:

  1. The entry fee is taken,

  2. The received deposit is split according to the liquidity ratio of token0/token1 on Shibaswap,

  3. One half is swapped to another token in order to provide liquidity,

  4. Once the swapped amount is received, the token0 and token1 amounts are used to provide liquidity,

  5. Once the liquidity provided and the LP tokens are received, these LP tokens are deposited into farming pool.

So, the zap() function executes providing liquidity, which allows users to eliminate providing liquidity manually by themselves. Zapping fee is applied to cover the providing liquidity cost.


Unzap() function executes the opposite steps:

  1. Yser selects the token to receive,

  2. esKNINE + bonusToken (optional) reward is claimed,

  3. LP tokens are withdrawn from the farming pool,

  4. Liquidity is removed from the Shibaswap v2 liquidity pool,

  5. token0 or token1 amount is swapped accordingly to token1 or token0 (defined by the user's choice of tokenOut),

  6. Once the swapped tokens received, the exit fee is taken,

  7. The full tokenOut amount is transferred to the user's wallet.

Exit fee is applied to cover the removing liquidity cost.


By calling this function user can claim all the accumulated rewards of a single farming pool. This includes:

  • Main reward received from stake, zap or both (whichever is present),

  • Accumulated bonus reward (if present).


This function allows claiming rewards from 'stake' or 'zap' separately. fromStake value defines which reward is claimed:

  • FALSE - zapping reward,

  • TRUE - staking reward.

The associated bonus reward is also claimed.

FarmingFactory contract

Farming factory contract is responsible for creating new farming pools that support Shibaswap liquidity pairs. Users can't interact with this contract.


The administrators have the following access to manage the farming factory:

  • create/stop new farming pool,

  • create/stop bonus reward pool,

  • set the farming pool reward payout,

  • set zapping and unzapping fees,

  • manage the factory parameters.

Last updated