link to knBONE source code (will update when protocol goes live)
knBONE is the core contract which acts as a liquid staking pool. The contract is responsible for deposits, withdrawals, minting and burning liquid tokens, delegating funds to node operators, applying fees and distributing rewards.
knBONE contract also defines knBONE, an ERC20 token that represents the account's share of the BONE tokens inside K9 Finance DAO protocol. It is a non-rebasable token, which means that the amount of tokens in the user's wallet is not going to change by itself, only by user actions. During time, the value of this token is changing, since the amount of BONE tokens inside the protocol is not constant. knBONE will be integrated in variety of DeFi applications across Ethereum and Shibarium.
knBONE is inherited from IKnBONE, ERC20Upgradeable, AccessControlUpgradeable, PausableUpgradeable
IERC20Upgradeable public token;
- BONE token address
INodeOperatorRegistry public nodeOperatorRegistry;
- NodeOpeartorRegistry contract address
IStakeManager public stakeManager;
- Shibarium StakeManager contract address
IUnstBONE public unstBONE;
- UnstBONE contract address
IInstantPool public instantPool;
- InstantPool contract address
IDepositManager public depositManager;
- DepositManager address of the bridge in Shibarium (this bridge is owned by K9 Finance DAO)
IBridge public bridge;
- Bridge contract address in Ethereum
address public l2Staking;
- Real Yield Staking contract address that will receive a share of rewards from Liquid Staking
address public dao;
- DAO Treasury reward address (this address does not necessarily have a DAO role) that will receive a share of rewards from Liquid Staking
FeeDistribution public entityFees;
- Protocol fee distribution structure
uint256 public instantPoolUsageFee;
- Fee percentage that user pays when withdrawing instant reward
uint256 public totalBuffered;
- amount of BONE that is buffered but not delegated, includes reservedFunds
uint256 public delegationLowerBound;
- the minimum required for successful delegate() on this contract
uint256 public rewardDistributionLowerBound;
- the minimum reward amount that is required for successful distributeRewards() on this contract
uint256 public reservedFunds;
- replenished if, when creating a request from a user, some amount did not fit into our requests to validators (included in totalBuffered)
bytes32 public constant DAO_ROLE = keccak256("DAO_ROLE");
- dao role identifier
bytes32 public constant PAUSE_ROLE = keccak256("PAUSE_ROLE");
- pauser role identifier
bytes32 public constant UNPAUSE_ROLE = keccak256("UNPAUSE_ROLE");
- unpauser role identifier
bytes32 public constant BRIDGE_ROLE = keccak256("BRIDGE_ROLE");
- bridge executor role identifier (should be granted to bridge)
RequestWithdraw[] public knBONEWithdrawRequest;
- an array of withdrawal request structures specifically for withdrawal to this contract (will be filled in only when creating a withdrawal request from the validator to KnBONE for reasons other than the user’s withdrawal, filled in when rebalanceDelegatedTokens() and withdrawTotalDelegated())
mapping(uint256 => RequestWithdraw[]) public token2WithdrawRequests;
- for each unstBONE tokenID returns an array of withdrawal request structures
uint8 public protocolFee;
- Protocol fee total percentage which will then be distributed in accordance with entityFees
Withdrawal requests structure
Protocol fee distribution structure
event SubmitEvent(address indexed _from, uint256 _amount, address indexed _receiver, bool _transferToL2);
- upon submit() call
event InstantPoolWithdraw(address indexed _from, uint256 _amountWithFeeInBONE, uint256 _feeAmountInBONE);
- when withdrawing using only instant pool, BONE amounts are provided
event RequestWithdrawEvent(address indexed _from, uint256 _amountInBONE);
- when withdrawing using only withdrawal request, BONE amount is provided
event RequestWithdrawSplit(address indexed _from, uint256 _totalAmountInKnBONE);
- upon completion of the transaction requestWithdrawSplit(), amount knBONE amount is provided
event DistributeRewardsEvent(uint256 indexed _amount, uint256 indexed totalPooledBefore, uint256 indexed totalPooledAfter);
- upon distribureRewards() call
event WithdrawTotalDelegatedEvent(
address indexed _from, uint256 indexed _amount );
- upon withdrawTotalDelegated() call
event DelegateEvent(uint256 indexed _amountDelegated, uint256 indexed _remainder );
- upon delegate() call
eventClaimTokensEvent(address indexed _from, uint256 indexed _id, uint256 indexed _amountClaimed);
- upon claimTokens() call
event SetNodeOperatorRegistryAddress(address indexed _newNodeOperatorRegistryAddress );
- upon setNodeOperatorRegistryAddress() call
event SetDelegationLowerBound(uint256 indexed _delegationLowerBound);
- upon setDelegationLowerBound() call
event SetRewardDistributionLowerBound(uint256 oldRewardDistributionLowerBound, uint256 newRewardDistributionLowerBound );
- upon setRewardDistributionLowerBound() call
event SetUnstBONE(address oldUnstBONE, address newUnstBONE);
- upon setUnstBONE() call
event SetDaoAddress(address oldDaoAddress, address newDaoAddress);
- upon setDaoAddress() call
event SetFees(uint256 daoFee, uint256 operatorsFee, uint256 instantPoolFee, uint256 stakingFee);
- upon setFees() call
event SetProtocolFee(uint8 oldProtocolFee, uint8 newProtocolFee);
- upon setProtocolFee() call
event SetInstantPoolUsageFee(uint256 oldInstantPoolUsageFee, uint256 newInstantPoolUsageFee);
- upon setInstantPoolUsageFee() call
event SetInstantPool(address instantPool);
- upon setInstantPool() call
event SetDepositManager(address depositManager);
- upon setDepositManager() call
event SetBridge(address bridge);
- upon setBridge() call
event SetL2Staking(address l2Staking);
- upon setL2Staking() call
event ClaimTotalDelegatedEvent(address indexed validatorShare, uint256 indexed amountClaimed );
- upon claimTokensFromValidatorToContract() call
View functions
Returns the name of the token
Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the name
Returns the number of decimals for getting user representation of a token amount.
Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
Returns the amount of tokens owned by the _account
Returns the entire knBONEWithdrawRequest array.
The same as ValidatorShare.getTotalStake(address(this)). API for getting total stake of this contract from validatorShare.
The same as ValidatorShare.getLiquidRewards(address(this)). API for liquid rewards of this contract from validatorShare.
Returns the BONE amount staked in all validators.
Returns total pooled BONE as getTotalStakeAcrossAllValidators() + totalBuffered + calculatePendingBufferedTokens() - reservedFunds
Returns the withdrawal request structure for tokenID.
Retrieves the amount of BONE that will be claimed from the unstBONE NFT request.
Calculates BONE amount from the provided knBONE amount.
Calculates knBONE amount from the provided BONE amount.
Initializer function, not called after initialization.
Send funds to knBONE contract and mint knBONE to receiver. Requires that msg.sender has approved _amount of BONE to this contract.
_amount - Amount of BONE sent from msg.sender to this contract
_receiver - receiver address
_transferToL2 - whether or not transfer knBONE to Shibarium
Request withdrawal function, allows using the instant pool and/or creating requests. _user must be the sender or any address if the function is called from BRIDGE_EXECUTOR_ROLE. When executed:
knBONE amount of the withdrawal request is burned
knBONE amount that is withdrawn through the Instant pool is sent to the DAO Treasury address.
Returns tokenID if there was a request or 0 if there was no request.
_instantPoolAmount - Amount of knBONE that is requested to withdraw using instant reward pool
_requestWithdrawAmount - Amount of knBONE that is requested to withdraw using withdrawal request
_user - user to withdraw from
Delegates the amount of BONE (totalBuffered - reservedFunds) to validator.
Claims tokens from validator share and sends them to the user. Requires the processed withdrawal request associated with unstBONE NFT.
Distributes the protocol rewards received from validator.
Creates a variable totalRewards equal to (contract balance - totalBuffered).
Calculates the protocol fee amount based on protocolFee%.
Then distributes the protocol fee amount according to the entity fees, the rest is added to totalBuffered for re-delegation.
Called only by NodeOperatorRegistry contract. Creates a withdrawal request of the total delegated amount from the specified ValidatorShare. Withdraws funds from stopped validator.
Rebalane the system by request withdraw from the validators that contains more token delegated to them.
Calculates amountToReDelegate as
(totalBuffered - reservedFunds + calculatePendingBufferedTokens())
.Sends it into
and gets a response.Based on the response, creates a withdrawal request for each
Calculate the total amount of BONE stored in knBONEWithdrawRequest array that can not be delegated.
Processes the specified request in knBONEWithdrawRequest. Claims tokens from validator share and sends them to the knBONE contract.
Admin Methods
This method can be called by ADMIN-only roles
Pause knBONE contract
Unpause knBONE contract
DAO Methods - setters
These methods can be called by DAO-only roles
Sets protocolFee value that will be distributed between receivers.
Sets fee percentage that user pays when withdrawing instant reward
Sets the DAO Treasury reward address
Sets nodeOperatorRegistry address
Sets InstantPool address
Sets depositManager address
Sets K9 bridge address
Sets Real Yield Staking address
Function that sets new lower bound for delegation
Function that sets new lower bound for rewards distribution
Last updated