
link to FarmingInstance source code (will update when protocol goes live)

Implementation of the logic of the UniV2 liquidity farming contract (version for ShibaSwap)

UniV2 farming implementation contract for Shibaswap with a main reward pool and several bonus (up to 9) pools. Main pool reward is esKNINE token which is minted by the farming contract.


uint8 public constant MAX_POOL_LENGTH = 10; - maximum number of reward pools. uint256 public constant MULTIPLIER = 10**20; - calculations multiplier.

address public pool; - liquidity pool address (ShibaSwap LP Token) for which the farming was created. address public router; - UniswapV2Router02 (ShibaSwap) contract address. address public factory; - FarmingFactory contract address. LiquidityPool public liquidityPool; - an object of LiquidityPool type. Intermediate public intermediate; - object of the Intermediate type (see below). RewardPool[] public rewardPools; - an array of reward pools like RewardPool.

struct Deposit { - struct to describe the deposit. uint256 liquidity; - number of user LP tokens. uint256[] accumulators; - an array of batteries for each rewardPool. uint256[] debts; - an array of calculated 'not claimed' rewards (updated upon actions with a deposit) for each rewardPool. }

struct Intermediate { - struct for storing intermediary calculations. uint256 totalLiquidity; - the total amount of liquidity stored in farming pool at the moment. uint256[] lastUpdate; - an array of the latest updates timestamps for each rewardPool (will not be visible through mapping, check through the getUserDeposits method). uint256[] accumulators; - an array of accumulators for each rewardPool (will not be visible through mapping, check through the getUserDeposits method). }


event Deposited(address user, - user address.

uint256 liquidity - number of LP tokens.

); - Upon zap or deposit call.

event Withdrawed(address user, - user address.

uint256 liquidity - number of LP tokens.

); - Upon withdraw or unzap call.

event ClaimedReward(

address user, - user address. uint256 halfId, - reward pool id. bool fromZap, - true - reward withdrawn for deposit made via zap; otherwise - false address rewardToken, - reward token. uint256 amount - number of cliamied rewards. ); - upon reward withdrawal (claimRewards, claimRewardsAll, withdraw, unzap).

event Zap(address inputToken, - token submitted for input.

uint256 amount, - the number of tokens (except for phi) submitted to the input.

uint256 fee - how many tokens went to the factory as a fee.

); - upon zap call.

event Unzap(address outputToken, - output token.

uint256 amount, - number of tokens at the output (excluding fee).

uint256 fee - how many tokens were received by the factory as a fee.

); - upon unzap call.

event BonusPoolAdded( uint256 halfId, - index in the rewardPools array assigned to the created pool. address rewardToken, - reward token of the created pool. uint64starts, - start time. uint64ends, - end time. uint256 rps - reward per second.

); - upon addBonusPool call.

event BonusPoolStopped(uint256 halfId); - upon stopBonusPool or when the pool stopped itself by the endTime.

event MainRewardPoolStopped(); - upon stopMainPool or when the pool stopped itself by the endTime.

event RewardPerSecondChanged(uint256 rps); - upon changeRPS, returns a new RPS value for the main pool.

Factory Functions


function addBonusPool(RewardPool calldata rew) external

Add a bonus pool (call from farmingFactory.addBonusPool).


function stopBonusPool(uint256 halfId) external

Stop the bonus pool (call from farmingFactory.stopBonusPool).


function stopMainPool() external

Stop the main pool and all bonus ones (call with farmingFactory.stopFarming).


function changeRPS(uint256 value) external

Change the RPS value in the main reward pool (call from farmingFactory.changeFarmingRPS).

Initializer Functions


function initialize(
address _factory,
address _router,
address _pool,
LiquidityPool memory _liq,
RewardPool calldata _rew
) public

Initializer function, not called after initialization.

Only for the initializer role

User Functions


function deposit(uint256 amount) external

Depositing LP tokens.


function withdraw() external

Withdraw all LP tokens from user's deposits made via deposit method.


function claimRewardsAll() external

Withdraw all rewards both from a deposit via zap and from a regular deposit at the same time (withdraws rewards from all pools).


function claimRewards(
uint256 halfId,
bool fromStake
) external 

Withdraw reward from the specified reward pool for the specified type of the deposit (made through zap == false, otherwise == true).


function zap(
address inputToken,
uint256 amount
) external payable

An option for making a deposit without the user having LP tokens.

User deposits one of the available tokens token0 or token1 (if one of them is a wrapped native, then a zero address should be specified in inputTokenand send the native, then the contract will wrap it itself).

Then part of the deposited tokens is swapped into another and this pair is added into liquidity, which is how LP tokens are formed. These LP are used for farming and accumulate the reward.


function unzap(address tokenOut) external

Withdraw a deposit made through zap .

  • Liquidity is removed,

  • LP tokens are burned,

  • Share of tokens (a token other than tokenOut) is swapped to tokenOut and transferred to the user.

View Functions


function pendingReward(
address user,
uint256 halfId
) public view returns (uint256 fromStake, uint256 fromZap)

Method for displaying earned rewards in a specific reward pool (will return two values: first for a deposit via deposit, second for a deposit via zap).


function pendingRewardsMultiple(
address user - user address
) external view returns (uint256[] memory fromStake, uint256[] memory fromZap) 

Method for displaying earned rewards in all reward pools.


function getActualPools()
returns (uint256[] memory ids, RewardPool[] memory pools)

Method for displaying a list of active reward pools (the ones that are still distributing rewards).

ids - its indexes in the array of reward pools,

pools - its contents


function getUserDeposits(
address user -
) external view returns (Deposit[2] memory dept)

Method for displaying user deposits.

  • Deposits marked with index 0 are made via deposit

  • Deposits marked with index 1 are made via zap


function getFarmingState() external view returns (Intermediate memory)

Method for displaying the intermediate variable in full.

Last updated