Real Yield Staking

Real Yield Staking offers a user-friendly platform for earning passive income on your KNINE tokens. Here's a breakdown of the key components from a user's standpoint:

  • Stake KNINE: Deposit your KNINE tokens to participate in Real Yield Staking. You can choose between two options:

    • Staking without Lockup: Offers flexibility to withdraw your KNINE tokens anytime but comes with a base multiplier (x1) for reward calculation.

    • Locked Staking: Lock your KNINE tokens for a chosen period (1-12 months) to benefit from a higher multiplier (up to maxLockMultiplier) on your rewards. The longer the lockup period, the greater the multiplier.

  • Boost your vesting potential: The more KNINE is locked at Real Yield Staking, the more esKNINE you can vest.

Last updated